Personal Development

Ubuntu for the world of impersonation

How to tackle the green-eyed monster

Amritha Nair


Quite often we forget that as a society, we succeed not by competing but by cooperating. No one individual can be blamed when this happens to the society at large.

Which is where I would like to introduce you to the Ubuntu way of life. It is a notable African philosophy adopted by the natives in the nineteenth century. It simply means “I am who I am because of who we all are”. A very simple but remarkable way of living.

Their way of living is implemented in such a way that the skills of one villager would benefit the entire community. The life of each person is precious and if one of them learnt a new skill, for instance, a new method of growing food then they are benefited MORE by imparting that skill to others rather than competing against each other. Thus the collective strength of the community is raised and they are mutually benefited.

Ubuntu speaks of all things good for humanity. For instance, if you want to be wealthy, you can be BUT not by false means of trickery or cheating. Your way of living must have a positive impact on society.

But this principle of life has been long forgotten in today’s world. We need constant reminders through experiences to have a check on our way of living.

People are far too ambitious that they will adopt any form of deception to become successful or to be renowned. This ranges from lies, false identity, imitation to fancy methods adopted by the governments(for military ops) on a global level.

The context I bring to light is the way of imitating the behavior or life of others, called as impersonation. Envy is the root cause of impersonation. And the underlying cause for envy being low self-esteem.

If I’m to cite an example, I’d call this movie to your attention- The Italian Job.

Now it might be an action thriller movie with a rather predictable plot, but what caught my attention was the authentic human element in it, Envy. Although brief and insignificant, this aspect was the turning point in the film. Devoid of ideas to live a better life, the antagonist- Steve, ended up impersonating or living the life that his friends had dreamt of. His life was nothing but a facade of posh life. He bought and owned things and lived a life of someone else’s dream rather than his own. Even then, he was undeterred and unabashed to admit his perfidious way of living.

It’s all about perspective (Photo by Alex wong on Unsplash)

Or let’s say,

When two kids grow up together, they tend to share almost everything-their toys, dresses, their stationery, and so on..but once they have matured, the child in them may not yet have grown up. They might even end up wanting the same partner, which is when they realize that it might have become an obsession.

Trying to copy one another’s dreams or ideas is NEVER a healthy way of living. It brings an uneasiness in the relationship you share with “your admirer”.

So, it is your job to analyze that the child in you is an angel and not a demon. You don’t want an envious, spoilt brat growing up in that fine muscular body of yours. That is just pure toxic behavior.

So what can be done?

Make it a habit to replace your version of envy with an Ubuntu form of life.

Replace the envy version of “ I want to be like him, only better” with “Everyone is unique and capable of fulfilling their own destiny”. This simple shift in thought will help shape your reality. So manifest wisely.

If you feel you will be happy only when you have what “they” have, then you are entitled to a life of disappointments. Because a positive and happy life comes with gratitude. Being happy with the resources that you have but not settling down for any less.

Become a better version of what YOU were yesterday.

Life must not be a rat race but a marathon.

The Ubuntu way of life will open your mind to happier ways of living.

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Let me reassure you that it does exist in every human being. It only depends on what you feed more. You feed jealousy and hatred then you’re going to reap the consequences of that. All you have to do is replace it with good intentions for others. This can only come from a place of happiness, which is something everyone should strive for.

Practice the art of being honest to yourself. Because only by acting from within can you see or bring about a change to the world. It all starts with YOU.

“Be the change you want to see in the world” ~ Gandhi.

Have the courage to be YOURSELF.

“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others” ~ Aristotle

In order to have healthy relationships, learn to communicate what troubles you with a trusted friend or family member, and start working on it as early as possible. Nip it in the bud.

Your life will change only if you change your mindset.

Instead of planning to steal someone else’s work or idea of life and calling it your own, BEGIN to appreciate your own worth and work harder to become a better version of what you have been yesterday. God has given us every day as an opportunity to work on ourselves. So appreciate that gift and use it wisely. Take a deep breath and BEGIN AGAIN.

Start a new work out routine, because a healthy mind ONLY starts with a healthy body.

On that note, I will remind you to KEEP STAYING TRUE TO YOURSELF.

Because WRONG is WRONG even if everyone is doing it.

Love + Peace,




Amritha Nair

A fellow human being who enjoys writing in spare time